Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Jurassic Forest

So, last Friday my Husband took a day off work and we went for a 2 1/2 hour drive to the Jurassic Forest, North of Edmonton.  You can check out their web site here.  It was a beautiful day and we had a pretty good time.  It was a bit expensive for what you get, but it was very well put together, and the dinosaurs looked awesome.  The place was very clean with a shady picnic area and a large playground for the kids.  I would have liked to see more equipment at the playground, but still good.

(This video from youtube, it takes WAY too long for my computer to download)

This is not a museum, but an outdoor exhibit.  Very nice pathways and everything was in excellent repair.
If you get a chance to go, it is worth the trip!

Friday, 8 July 2011

First Cut Hay

Ryan running the square baler

Haying is a very busy time for us.  Since it completely depends on the weather, it can also be a stressful time.  This year we were pretty lucky.  All the rain earlier this spring really helped the hay crop.  The rain stopped, and we were able to cut.  Some nice wind and warm temps. made for a good harvest.  It's so nice that the boys are now old enough to really help with all the work.

Stacked and covered

About 1,500 square bales so far.  Still about half the field left.  So hopefully the rain stays away for a while yet.

Square bale wagon.

Hay Rake, for flipping hay over.  Helps to dry it faster.

Monday, 4 July 2011

The food of summer...

What is your favorite food of summer?  There are so many good things that we just can't get any other time of the year.  I hope to keep adding on to this throughtout the summer.  Here is my first favorite:
July 4th

Baby Bunnies

This little bunny was born abut 2 weeks ago.  Not sure of the exact date, but they almost have their eyes open all the way.  They are still in their nest, and I felt four for sure in there.  This one is really cute with a bit of brown on it.  The mom and dad are both white, so this is a bit of a surprise.  In another couple of weeks, they will be big enough to find a new home.  So sweet!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

New Life on the Farm

All of our baby lambs are supposed to be born in May.  However, last fall we left the rams in for too long and most of the sheep lambed in January.  (oops) There were a couple who missed the boat the first time (so to speak) and stayed on the right schedule.  There was even a surprise from a yearling who wasn't anywhere near the rams.  She turned out to be a great mom though. 
There is one ewe who is getting so big, and so ready to pop that she can hardly walk around.  Her bag is so big and tight that her back legs are spread out and she has trouble keeping up with the others as they graze.  I tried to get a good picture of her but it was kind of hard to get the angle right.

I have been telling the kids that she is not going to give birth, but explode and there will be baby lambs shooting out all over.  This makes them laugh.
My thoughts put to paper

Of course we are hoping for a happy ending with mother and babies all safe.

*(no sheep were hurt in the making of this blog)

Monday, 30 May 2011

The start of something

     For anyone who has ever dreamed about just taking you car and smashing it, this is for you! 

     My two oldest, Ryan and Austin, got to live out that dream.  For $250.  They purchased a second hand car, 1993 Buick Skylark, and proceeded to tear it apart!

So remember, if you need some body work done on your car, find a reputable shop...LOL

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Sarah and Quincy

     My daughter Sarah has been learning how to work with her horse Quincy.  A very dear friend (my brother-in- law's mother-in-law) has graciously offer her help in teaching my daughter. 
     First she started with some basic ground work with him.  He was on the lunge line and Sarah had to tell him to walk, jog, and lope.  He had to respond to her words and do what he was told.  This is a great way for the two of them to bond, and learn to trust each other.
     She has progressed a bit now and is riding him all alone in the corral.  They are doing great!!!  Quincy is so good with kids, he even likes giving rides to our 'city' family members!  Sarah is very anxious to keep going, and her goal is to take him out to the pasture by herself.  By the end of summer I am sure she will have the confidence to do that. 

bareback is best

learning how to neck rein

now with the saddle

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Soooo Itchy!!!!

Well, all that snow we had this winter, melted into many areas of standing water, has really increased the mosquito population this year.  And they are HUNGRY!!!  Not too bad for people, but much worse for the animals.  Our horse, Quincy, was covered with them.  Poor guy.  But luckily we have some special spray for horses as well, and it works for a couple of days.
Can't really see them here in the picture, but his neck, shoulders, and rump were grey with the little blood suckers.  He could hardly stand still they were bugging him so much.  He wanted to get scratched so bad. 

Here you can see all his bites.

After he go sprayed, he felt much better. 

So where ever you may be, make sure you are protected against mosquitos!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

15 Years Together!

Every Year

Every year that I'm with you
Has been better than before;
It's hard for me to even think
How I could love you more.

Every year you've graced my life
Has been full of happiness;
I love your caring face, your voice,
Your tender, sweet caress.

Every year when this day comes,
I'm filled with love and pleasure;
Happy Anniversary, Love,
My joy, my delight, my treasure.
Love always, Chris

Monday, 16 May 2011

Straw Bale Garden

     I have a HUGE garden spot here on the farm.  Most people say 'WOW', but I say 'YIKES!'.  This is the reason.  Sometimes in the country, you have low water pressure due to the type of system you have.  All our water comes from a well system, so the only pressure is from the tank in the house.  This tank is about a zillion years old.  (Carbon dating is still not in yet) So low pressure.  I have one outside tap on the house on the north side.  The garden spot in about 200 feet south of my house.  I think you are getting the idea.  By the time I connect various lengths of hose, the water coming out the end is a slow trickle.  So, no sprinklers, no watering with the hose, no nothin'!  I even tried a soaker hose in hopes of success.  It worked no too bad at the start of the hose, but at the end, again nothin'.
     In the past I have tried to use water from rain barrels and hand watering cans.  That gets old REAL fast!  So I have just been letting nature take it's course.  If something grows, then it grows.  If not, then it was never ment to be, right?   This has been successful in two ways.  First, weeds grow no matter how dry and hot, or cool and wet the summer gets, and second, I have had very poor harvests.  Sigh.
     That being said, earlier this year I was searching the web looking for plans and info on raised garden beds when I came across something strange.  People were planting in old straw bales. 
     'What a bunch of nut cakes!'  I said to myself. 
     'What's wrong with dirt?'  But being from the country it intrigued me and I started reading up on it.  Needless to say, I wanted to try it.
     I won't go into here how you get started.  You just have to search  'straw bale gardening' and you will find plenty to keep your reading for a while. 
     I used the straw bale that we had for our winter dog house.  They were already starting to decompose.

The winter dog house.
     Now I just had to get them from here over to the house.  They have to be close to a water source, as you have to water them twice a day, every day.
Good thing I have lots of help!

All ready
Then you have to water twice a day for 2 weeks
After two weeks of watering, they are ready to plant in.  Small plants can be put directly in the bales.
Here I have planted pumpkins.
     To plant seeds, you need to put some topsoil or potting soil on the bale first.  This is just to help hold the seeds in place.
I planted green beans in these bales
    So, that is basically it.  I will post more pictures as things start growing.  You can even plant things in the sides of the bales.  I might put some flowers in the sides.  First I want to see how it goes with the top.  Here is all the stuff I want to plant this year.  I think the cat is satisfied with my choices.
Also planted pumpkins and cucumbers.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Getting ready for the Week

     Every Sunday I spend an hour or so getting all our school stuff ready for the week a head.  I home school all four of my children and have been doing so for about 2 1/2 years now. 
     I enjoy looking back over the past week any seeing what they have accomplished.  They are pretty hard workers!  Our school work is slowing down now a bit that spring is here, and that makes everyone happy.  Our schedule is Mon-Thurs.  We have every Friday off.  We do this for three weeks, and then take a whole week off.  As with all home school things, this will most likely change, but for now this works pretty well.  Next week I hope to post a review of what we did during our week, so stay tuned!

Sheep Shearing

Every spring comes the shearing of the sheep.  We used to get someone to do it for us, but he was kind of a creepy old guy who lived in his truck, and left the sheep with more cuts that we thought was necessary.  So about 3 years ago, Mark bought some shears and we have been doing it ourselves ever since.  It is not too hard to do, just hard on the back!  Mark does a great job and it's my job to hold them still while he does the cutting.  Not always easy with them jumping around.  But a rope comes in handy.  It usually takes us a whole day to do 20 sheep.  As of right now we are not keeping any wool, but that may change in the future. 

The ladies in waiting

getting to work

The wool from one sheep

All done for another year