Sunday 22 May 2011

Sarah and Quincy

     My daughter Sarah has been learning how to work with her horse Quincy.  A very dear friend (my brother-in- law's mother-in-law) has graciously offer her help in teaching my daughter. 
     First she started with some basic ground work with him.  He was on the lunge line and Sarah had to tell him to walk, jog, and lope.  He had to respond to her words and do what he was told.  This is a great way for the two of them to bond, and learn to trust each other.
     She has progressed a bit now and is riding him all alone in the corral.  They are doing great!!!  Quincy is so good with kids, he even likes giving rides to our 'city' family members!  Sarah is very anxious to keep going, and her goal is to take him out to the pasture by herself.  By the end of summer I am sure she will have the confidence to do that. 

bareback is best

learning how to neck rein

now with the saddle

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